What I Do.


John Chiarelli was a great help in getting documents certified and apostilled in NY the week before my Boston appointment! I recommend him if you need assistance, Thank you, John

Debra D.

I’d like to thank John Chiarelli for helping me get my documents within the New York/ New Jersey area. He was one of the easiest people to work with and his prices are more than fair it was a pleasure. Not only was he easy to work with but he got the documents pretty quick and the whole thing did not take more than a few months. I would recommend him to anyone! Grazie!

Steven N.

I just wanted to give a shout out to John Chiarelli who helped me with Apostilles for my birth certificate in NY. He’s extremely responsive, and the turn around time including mail was 3 days. Highly recommend!

Nanette P.

I want to say that none of this would have been possible if it wasn’t for John Chiarelli, as he was a life savior when it came to wrangling up all my family’s NY documents. If you are in need of obtaining anything in NY/tri-state, John is your guy! I can’t thank him enough for all his help.

Charles D.

Big thanks to John for saving my butt with NYC docs this week. I have my consulate appointment next week and wasn’t able to get my NYC birth certificates until the last minute. I sent them to him and he was able to go out and get them certified, apostilled, and express shipped back to me the next day! Definitely recommend working with him if you need help with NYC docs.

Alex M.

John is a stand up guy! He came through for me at the last minute…in the rain…. and showed up the next day at my NYC 10AM appointment after rushing to get a document apostilled at 9AM.

John D.


How much does it cost?

Costs for documents vary from city to city, state to state, etc so it’s difficult to give a precise cost of how much the total will be. Sorry but it really is case by case. The best thing to do is to shoot me an email. 

How long does it take?

This is also one of those questions that is difficult to answer. I can get some documents in one day and others might take a few days, weeks or months. 

Can you get all of my documents?

Any document that I’l legally entitled to get, I’ll be more than happy to retrieve. For documents I’m not legally entitled to, I can try to help you figure out how you can.


I am not a legal professional, a medical professional or financial/tax professional. I am not affiliated in any way with any governmental body, agency, organiztion, etc. I am not trying to represent them in any way. I am not offering any legal, medical or financial advice. I will be speaking about information that I know from my own personal experience and research that I have done along with personal opinions and will do my best to convey what information I am aware of. Any decisions you make are yours, and yours alone.

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Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.

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